Over 50 years, Bonjour has remained at the forefront of the market. Not just looking, but seeing. Not just studying, but understanding. And then creating products that fit at the very heart of human desire, whether clothing lines, commercial centers, or residential communities.

“People are people. Trends are created and fueled by the desires and needs of people”
– Charles Dayan, Founder & CEO
From fledgling clothing company to fashion empire to real estate leader, Bonjour is a story of trends— and the vision to identify them. Shape them. And lead them.
Bonjour International is born: The first to introduce French-style jeans to the American market. With that, the Bonjour philosophy is set – Notice a trend and a need and find a way to fulfill it.
Bonjour International grows to encompass two additional labels, Route 66 and Faded Glory, becoming one of the top licensors in the United States.
Branching into real estate, Bonjour purchases its first property, the historic Adams Hotel at 1049 Fifth Avenue, successfully converting it into residential condominiums.
Since that first purchase, Bonjour has carved out a reputation as a dynamic, visionary real estate company.
They have invested over $5 billion in real estate nationally, selling and acquiring numerous properties and development projects and generating returns that have outperformed the market.
“Fashion is fashion. It’s true for buildings as much as for clothing. We think about what people want, what they’re looking for, what will make them happy.”
In homes, offices, and stores stand regular people, with lives, dreams, needs, and wants. While the physical structure of a building endures, it’s the human element that drives change. Builds communities. Defines markets.
Focusing on the human element of real estate and exploring the opportunities it leads us to keeps Bonjour young and agile, with a depth acquired through decades of industry experience.